Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Benefits of Walnut Cracker

Of all the nuts, none requires as much effort as shelling black walnuts. But they're worth it. The crispy flavour of black walnuts give a gourmet touch to pies, cookies, cakes and other baked goods. The nutmeat is often expensive and difficult to locate. The sexy intoxicating food can fetch $300 or more for a pound. Black walnuts taste far stronger than regular English Walnuts. They are more concentrated and have a touch of bitterness. The difference between the two is like rich cream and skim milk. I will myself choose black walnuts over regular ones any time, and for any price. But what is the most difficult task with black walnuts is to crack them.

They are probably the toughest nut to crack. The hard shell can’t be cut easily with the knife and when you break it with hammer the nutmeat breaks into many pieces. The most valued pieces are the big sized fancy pieces. I always like only the big pieces and always want to give them to my customers. I have tried many nut cracker machines available in the market but there are always a lot of small pieces which makes for losses of such an expensive nut. All these small pieces are either waste or they sell for less than half the price.

Being in the nut industry I have researched a lot to find a good method to crack open the nuts with minimum wastage. Recently, I came across a nut cracker by Walnut SawTM. It’s an amazing device that I have seen for cracking black walnuts. I must say this is the most innovative, simple, compact and easy to use devise. I feel that I would fall short of adjectives to describe this superb device. It’s like a gun machine you load nuts into it and you get the nutmeat.

Walnut SawTM must have done a lot of experimenting before bring this product to the market and they have well succeeded in bring such a unique and innovative product. The working of the product is very simple, you have to first load the nut in the groove, run the saw and then rotate it and again run the saw. Then take out the walnut and open it to get the beautifully shaped entire pieces of the black walnut. There is no wastage, no time consuming and no other hassles. The device is compact and can be easily attached to table and you can have as many as required in your industry without worrying for space. This product is must for your industry.

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